The Clean Points Program celebrates the closing of its first phase with the installation of 12 modules for the reception of recyclable materials, which have been installed and activated in 12 different neighborhoods of the municipal seat of Tulum.
After 4 years of consistent efforts led by the Tulum Sustainable social organization in alliance with Tetra Pak and the FEMSA Foundation, among other local allies and with the support of authorities and citizen participation, today Tulum has installed infrastructure that contributes to the solution of the great waste management problem in the locality.
Within the framework of World Tourism Day and World Environmental Awareness Day, Tulum celebrates the fact that 26 tons of waste have been prevented from becoming garbage thanks to the Clean Points program, Tulum is an important tourist town in the country, which faces the challenge of managing 180 tons of waste that is generated daily. In response, Clean Points began in 2018 and after 4 years of operation we recognize that it is essential to continue strengthening alliances with civil society, the community, the public and private sectors, since due to the rapid growth of the municipality, it is necessary to create solutions that allow growth in a more sustainable way.

Puntos Limpios is a citizen initiative started in 2018. In a first phase, thanks to the support of the hotel consortium organizing the “Art With Me” festival, surveys and interviews of actors in all social sectors were applied, with which it was discovered that 70% of people recognized this problem as relevant in the community. This information laid the foundations to create together with the community the idea of placing modules for the collection of recyclable materials and thus progress was made with the installation of the first module in the Villas Tulum neighborhood.
The initiative has technical advice from the German Development Agency (through the Waves for Clean Oceans program, made up of GIZ, SUEMA and Geocycle), and the participation of the company Tetra Pak and the FEMSA Foundation, and other local allies whose support has been essential to get to this day.
In the first phase of the Program, 12 modules have been installed for the reception of recyclable materials, which have been installed and activated in 12 neighborhoods of the municipal seat of Tulum, thanks to government support and citizen participation. To date, 26 tons have been collected and with the 12 modules operating at full capacity, we expect to collect between 24 and 25 tons of materials that will be recycled annually. But above all, it has been an achievement to have sensitized, educated and trained a large number of inhabitants of all ages in the management of their solid waste.
“For the FEMSA Foundation, preventing waste from leaking into the environment is a priority, since it is estimated that around 40% of the waste that is generated never reaches a management system, but is left lying on the street or in ravines and is washed away. to rivers, streams and sea by rain. Therefore, efforts such as those carried out by Puntos Limpios are highly relevant and require the coordination of many public, private and community actors. We want to invite you to continue joining this program, not only in waste collection but also innovating in the way we relate to waste,” commented Carlos Hurtado, FEMSA Foundation Manager of Sustainable Development.