The vision and experience of the members of our Board of Directors are the guide to promote the development of the communities in which we work in. Each member has the key task of guiding our efforts towards the execution of the projects that we evaluate and carry out.


José Antonio Fernández Carbajal

Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of FEMSA

Carlos Aldrete Ancira

General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Directors of FEMSA


Alfonso Garza Garza

Chief Executive Officer of Strategic Businesses of FEMSA

Carlos Salazar Lomelín

Advisor to the Chairman of FEMSA

Charles McTier

Trustee and former president of the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, Inc.

Daniel Alberto Rodríguez

Chief Executive Officer of FEMSA Comercio

Dolf van den Brink

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma / Heineken México

Eduardo Padilla Silva

Chief Executive Officer of FEMSA

Federico Reyes García

Independent Consultant

Genero Borrego Estrada

Director of Corporate Affairs of FEMSA

Javier Astaburuaga Sanjines

Director of Corporate Development of FEMSA

John A. Santa Maria Otazua

Chief Executive Officer of Coca-Cola FEMSA

José Gonzalez Ornelas

Director of Administration and Operational Control of FEMSA

Manuel Sama

Managing Partner of Sama, Cueva y Valencia, Associated Consultants