History 2020

Keeping with our purpose
Keeping with our purpose Growing Closer Engaging in conversations Daring to go further Creating Opportunities As close as ever

Project area

Early childhood FEMSA cultural program Sustainable development Academi Centers


México Argentina Brasil Colombia Costa Rica Chile Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala República Dominicana Jamaica Nicaragua Panamá Paraguay Perú Uruguay

More than 5,600 people participated in this virtual dialogue with which we seek to share and learn more about equal opportunities for women in the field of art, with guests from different disciplines.

We reached more than 5,900 people who connected with art from home through this 100% virtual and interactive workshop that included activities inspired by works from the FEMSA Collection.

Within the framework of International Museum Day, we organized a virtual talk to reflect on the possibilities of the museum outside of the physical space and how artistic projects can connect with their audiences.

We brought more than 174,000 people closer to this series of video interviews in which we learn, in their own voice, the creative process, concerns and proposals of Latin American artists whose work is part of the FEMSA Collection.

We created a series of weekly activities published on social media of the FEMSA Collection in order to offer activities that entire families could do without leaving home.

Our flagship platform for the dissemination of art promotes dialogue and exchange of knowledge, as well as the artistic and cultural heritage of the venue where it takes place, which in 2020 was Michoacán. This year we reached more than 60,000 people in a hybrid format.

We benefited more than 215,000 people with this agreement that aims to contribute to the water security of Latin America and the Caribbean through the creation and strengthening of Water Funds.

To facilitate the implementation of the National Strategy for Early Childhood Care (Mexico), a toolbox was designed to guide those responsible in the three levels of government on how to ensure that every child in the country can have access to services and care necessary to achieve their integral development during early childhood.

With this project, preschool teachers and managers are trained virtually on social-emotional skills to integrate them into the school culture and improve their strategies, performance and children's learning.

During two years, professional educators accompany children and parents in preschools and childcare centers in the Campana-Altamira area. We seek that they become agents of change in the educational practices of other teachers and that they improve the school climate with projects aimed at the educational community in general.

More than 138,000 people had access to a practical digital guide for working with the mind and emotions during the pandemic. In addition, we organized six virtual workshops for educators on the development of social-emotional skills.

We reached more than 160 people with workshops on positive parenting and early stimulation, virtual follow-up via WhatsApp and measuring changes in parenting practices.

With this initiative aimed at children of preschool age, we seek to impact their health and well-being through entertaining and educational content that promote eating habits, physical activity, body awareness, personal care and self-regulation.

We organized a series of talks, meetings and workshops with national and international artists, managers and curators, focused on spaces in Mérida.

We took part in the Nuevo León Heritage Day with the exhibition "Agotar los muros. An approach by MArCE to the work of the FEMSA Collection".

With this art exhibition, we presented a look at the evolution of calculation tools, from the first mechanical approximations to the devices that preceded the computer.

We presented this exhibition that poses life as a series of journeys embodied in works of modern and contemporary Latin American art. We received more than 8,000 visitors.

We reached more than 25,000 people with this approach to the evolution, plurality and richness of the FEMSA Collection, through the artistic manifestations that have transcended during the 20th and 21st centuries in Latin America.

We responded to the need that Colombians had to have access to safe water in emergencies with Ven por Agua (Come for Water), one of our mobile water treatment plants that has the capacity to distribute up to 48,000 liters of water daily.

When a community is affected by a natural disaster, it is necessary to ensure that it can regain access to basic services. As part of the contingency due to the floods, we brought safe water to more than 10,500 people in Tabasco through our water treatment truck, Ven por Agua (Come for Water).

We promote the work that Water.org does to end Mexico's water and sanitation crisis through access to improved water and sanitation solutions.

At Villa 21-24 in Argentina, we benefited more than 18,000 people with personal and household hygiene supplies. We also disseminated audiovisual material with information on water management and with attention to COVID-19 and dengue.

Water Links is our regional project with which we seek to innovate with a focus on generating behavioral changes to achieve the sustainability of the intervention and improve hygiene habits through social art. In 2020 we benefited more than 36,000 people from five countries.

This program to strengthen and include the informal sector consists of a socially certified network of waste recycling cooperatives, digitally connected through a platform, which will allow the tracking and purchase of certified recycled materials for their reinsertion into the supply chain.

This project is a diagnosis on the handling of plastics through the implementation of the CAP (Circularity Assessment Protocol) methodology that allows outlining alternatives for the handling of plastics by implementing circular economy principles.

We place collection points and carry out citizen activation campaigns in Tulum to promote the segregation of waste from the source, reduce the generation of waste and increase the recovery rates of recyclable materials, preventing them from dispersing in the environment or reaching the landfill.

We are part of this platform that is focused on addressing the problem of food loss and waste through greater innovation, better policies and better capacity and knowledge on the subject. In 2020 we organized two competitions and awarded Latin American innovators who work to reduce food waste.

We developed studies and implementation of technology focused on attending and innovating in water and waste problems in urban environments.

This initiative, created by Colombian civil society organizations, seeks to ensure that the guarantee of children's rights is included in the government programs of candidates for popularly elected positions, as well as in national and territorial development plans.

Together with the business foundations that are also part of this group, we seek to sensitize the private sector about the importance of investing in early childhood.

We are part of this citizen initiative, made up of more than 440 organizations, which works to make early childhood a priority in Mexico, through the collective promotion of public policies that have children at the center of a better society.

Based on the learnings of a pilot project that we developed in 2020 in the community of Campana-Altamira in Monterrey, we launched a guide full of ideas and tools that organizations or local governments can adapt to their contexts and that can be continuously fed back with new proposals.

We accompany educators from Villas ABP in Nuevo León, Mexico, to improve their educational experience and the quality of care for their children through the aeioTU “Formando” solution. In this initiative the family and the community are involved, which are essential for child development.

We provided psychosocial support and promoted socio-emotional skills in the mothers and caregivers of Tumaco, Colombia, to strengthen the affective bond between them and their children, seeking to mitigate the effects of violence.

We support the Accelerator with the aim of promoting innovative interventions to promote early childhood development in vulnerable situations.

We dedicate efforts to provide awareness and professionalization opportunities to public officials so that they can put early childhood at the center of their social policy, as a basis for achieving the well-being of society. In 2020, we trained 30 attendees with our seminar on designing cities for children.

Through urban park rehabilitation, we can foster positive interactions between children and their caregivers. This year, we collaborated with the municipality of San Pedro Garza García to redesign a park with an early childhood perspective.

We seek to improve and protect the basic needs of children and adolescents and their caregivers in migration situations. The initiative addresses mental health and psychosocial support, learning experiences and games, as well as advocacy on public policy.

We promoted positive interactions through play as a comprehensive development tool and impacted more than 1,300 children and parents in Chiapas.

This year we launched the Early Childhood Development Hub, which brings together in one place resources and knowledge about early childhood produced in Latin America. Together with our partners from the ECD Fund, with the Hub we promote the exchange of learning and offer resources and practical tools to implement actions in favor of the development of children.

With a launch in digital media, the film reached different countries as an invitation to think about the world we want to build for the children of the future. More than 6 million people connected with the central theme of this documentary: the importance of connecting children with nature.

Get to know the platform with which we accompany parents and caregivers to ensure that the protagonists of a better future grow up in positive environments.

We offered training sessions on contemporary art and mediation to the Guanajuato Museum of Art and History team.

We included students from CEDIM's degree in graphic design and strategic marketing to a FEMSA Collection brand experience project.

We reached more than 4,000 people with a series of conversations to which we invited artists, cultural agents, professors and science specialists to explore the relationship between art, environment and nature.

Considering that historically art has not been available to most people, we made the most of the Wellbeing 360 forum to address the benefits that the incorporation of art can bring to a person's well-being. Culture and art allow us to know ourselves better, understand the way we perceive the world and the relationships we have with our environment.

For eleven years, we have been rewarding innovation and recognizing and encouraging social entrepreneurs in Latin America who work to guarantee access to safe water and sanitation services, as well as comprehensive waste management.

We participated in the annual CLASE conference, which this year focused on early childhood education as the foundation for a better future. Within the framework of this forum, we reward the most innovative educational practices during the pandemic to recognize Mexican educators and inspire innovation in the sector.

With this initiative, we seek to build bridges of collaboration between people and families who migrate to Nuevo León, institutions that work with them and creators of the artistic and cultural sector of the state.

We supported communities in Mexico with access to water and sanitation to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections.

We support food security in vulnerable communities where small producers and agricultural laborers live.

In alliance with other companies and foundations, and thanks to the generous donations of thousands of Mexicans, we managed to ensure that more than 90,000 members of the country's health personnel in 155 non-COVID hospital received personal protection kits.

We actively involved parents, educators and caregivers in the process of developing skills that will accompany children for the rest of their lives. We reached more than 33,000 people in 4 countries with the distribution of positive parenting content and emotional support for parents, as well as virtual workshops to strengthen critical and socio-emotional skills in educators.

Campana-Altamira is a vulnerable area located in Monterrey, where we intervene to improve the quality of preschool and public spaces with a childhood perspective. In response to the COVID-19 contingency, we supported families of the community with food and hygiene packages and information on mental health and prevention of family violence.

We seek to meet the immediate needs of families in Nicaragua in the midst of the pandemic, as well as strengthen the socio-emotional skills of parents so that they could better promote the development of their children.

To help boost food security, self-care and social-emotional care for families during the pandemic, we delivered well-being and development baskets to more than 7,000 people in five countries.

We reached almost 30,000 children from vulnerable communities and their families with a kit full of materials to promote the learning of the youngest at home, contribute to reducing the risk of domestic violence and improve the sensitivity of primary caregivers to the emotions of their children.

We maintained our commitment and solidarity with the Guatemalan population, focusing on supporting children from vulnerable communities and their families. More than 28,000 people received food, hygiene products and educational materials with key messages for the prevention of COVID-19.

En 2020, ¿cómo te atreviste a más?